Lakshmanan on Spinal Cord Injury & Paralysis

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Today we have someone who simply redefines motivation for many of us.

His ability to start, persist, and then perform a task is worth watching. He began the process of developing and making constant efforts. He made sure to achieve his goal. There were many obstacles in his journey, but he kept working hard. Even in the face of pain, physical fatigue, and mental blocks. He kept himself motivated and became an influential light for others. He was hard working through rigorous physical conditioning, training, and mental preparation.

Mr. Lakshmanan, 24 years old, fell from upstairs and sustained an injury to the spinal cord.

He was left paralyzed below the hip and lost sensation in Feb 2015. He was admitted to a post-acute care center for the injury.

He underwent medical and vocational rehabilitation at ASSA for almost a year. Instead of giving up hope he trained himself hard and got used to using a wheelchair. Now Mr. Lakshmanan has played wheelchair basketball since 2017. His dedication and not giving up attitude made him compete on various levels in Tamil Nadu, India in no time.

He learned and completed his training in MS Office and Typewriting skills. He graduated with a bachelor’s degree in commerce.

Recently, he participated in an international level competition in Thailand. He also played a couple of national-level basketball competitions. He secured his position and picked up various awards.

He had a clear focus on doing something great. He always proved to be different from others has transformed his life and motivated many of us. His hard work has proved that nothing is impossible. Currently, he leads the Vellore basketball team and inspires many to play.

There is a lot needed to improve in different spheres of life. Lakshmanan had many of those qualities.

Though innate talents may create opportunities. But one has to put in all the hard work to make those opportunities a reality. Hard work is so important. Even if one has an average level of talent, one could use determination to transform.

One is in full control even in difficult times if one believes in himself. Lakshmanan had this ability to reach his goals.


In 2015 I suffered a spinal cord injury and thought my life was over. I was locked up at home for up to 8 months. Then with some good intentions, I had the opportunity to join a rehabilitation center for the disabled. The center was Amar Seva Sangam.

I did not know that being there was the beginning of a good future. I saw two pillars led to that rehabilitation center Mr.  Ramakrishnan Aiya and Mr.  Sankararaman Ayya. I took them as my role models. I studied everything I needed there. Gradually I developed the needed self-confidence, and courage.  It was through that that the desire to achieve in life was high, and then from the day I returned home after the rehab exercises, I have been performing better in a wheelchair basketball tournament …


The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not represent any kind of medical advice.


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