How To Become Better With Lyme Disease

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This blog is another opportunity to feel grateful. Thank you, dear Universe, you continue to bless me with recovery and health.

I was diagnosed with a rare disease called Isaacs’ Syndrome in 2016. Isaacs’ is a neuromuscular health condition that stems from muscle hyperactivity. My lift post-diagnosis underwent a drastic change.

Following that diagnosis, I also discovered that I had Lyme disease. Lyme is a bacterial illness that gets transmitted through ticks. I was also accompanied by Glaucoma. Glaucoma is an eye-related disease that damages the optic nerves. And Membranous Glomerulonephritis is a progressive kidney disease.

Lyme disease is not as rare as Isaacs’ syndrome. Although its diagnosis is not straightforward. Patients experience flu-like symptoms when they first contract the disease. A bullseye- or target-shaped rash seen in a few patients is an important symptom of Lyme disease. It is caused by a bacterial infection transmitted to humans by certain species of insects called ticks.

Many patients do not report rashes. They only get diagnosed with Lyme after suffering from muscle, nerve, and joint pains. Some of them also get body aches and headaches, irregular heartbeat, and arthritis. Facial palsy, which causes drooping of facial muscles, dizziness, and inflammation of the brain and spinal cord is also seen in some patients.

How is Lyme disease diagnosed?

Testing for Lyme disease involves checking if the body is producing the antibodies needed to fight the infection.

The human body typically develops these antibodies over many weeks. To confirm a diagnosis, a two-step blood test is prescribed. The second step is only required if the patient tests positive (for the presence of antibodies) in the first step.

Once the body starts producing these antibodies, they continue to survive for a long time. Sometimes even years, meaning that an antibody test cannot help checking if a patient is cured of the disease.

Patients who have contracted other infections or diseases could trigger this antibody production. It may get a false positive diagnosis.

In my case, I don’t recollect being bitten by a tick but that doesn’t make me wired.

Though my symptoms overlapped with Isaacs’ Syndrome however they seemed quite intense. I consumed enough supplements yet felt fatigued the entire day. Symptoms like lots of cramps and pain in my joints & muscles persisted. I often noticed a stabbing pain in my calves. I was getting prone to daily headaches and was always ready to sleep. I remember having nil participation in any social activity. Simultaneously, I was falling easy prey to infections. I hardly had any appetite. The situation percolated to creating excess inflammation with excess loss in body weight.

My Allopathic doctor sensed that there was much more going on within me than only Isaacs’. And so, he decided to get me tested for Lymes.

My Ayurvedic doctor believed that healing from Lymes could only start when the foundation of the body is corrected. So, I was put on antibiotics along with traditional Ayurvedic remedies. Homeopathic medicines also helped me restore my immunity to a greater extent.

What treatment is prescribed for Lyme disease patients?

Lyme disease is a curable bacterial infection. Generally, patients are prescribed a course of antibiotics for up to a month.

Patients usually respond to antibiotic treatment faster if the disease is detected early. However, antibiotics also help treat the disease in later stages. Some symptoms may continue even after the course of treatment. It especially happens if patients have suffered significant neurological, muscular, or joint damage due to the disease. However, continued antibiotic treatment isn’t recommended in some cases. The Human body can develop antibiotic resistance.

Is Lyme disease contagious and is there any social stigma associated with it?

Lyme disease is only transmitted by the bite of the black-legged tick, also called a deer tick. Even then, if the tick has attached itself to a person’s body for over a day. It does not spread from one person to another, so it is not contagious.

Since patients can suffer considerably for a long time, it can reduce their quality of life. It affects their ability to interact socially.

Accordingly, apart from clinical treatment, they may need extra therapies to manage their health.

Though Lymes is not a rare disease, it needs much extra attention and care in my personal experience.

Before the diagnosis, I was constantly having high fever and cycles of shivering. I had very low immunity accompanied by intense muscle pain and extra fatigue. I was easily prone to infections, inflammation, and regular visits to hospitals.

Part of me always wondered if it was psychosomatic. However, it was quite disturbing to be sick with something that few people knew about or had even heard of.

Though my neurologist was trying to put his best foot forward however my condition was getting bad to worse with immense body weakness. There was confusion in the air as the symptoms intermingled with Isaacs’ Syndrome. He also referred me to a rheumatologist. The best course of action was to watch and wait and use some relief medicines. The wait went from bad to worse. Finally, some blood tests were conducted with the thought of reaching a closure.

It was announced as ‘the Lymes day’, and I tested positive for something that no one in the family was aware of. At the time, I knew very little about Lyme, though was hugely relieved to reach some closure.

I was immediately put on antibiotics. The first night was terrible with pain and spasm. My body was tremendously weak with tightness in the right calve muscle. Though I was put on weeks of antibiotics but not everyone responds and recovers from the Lyme infection. The symptoms persisted even after the course of medicine was over. After the course, I again started to nosedive as many symptoms became vague and got even worse. To be honest, I was unaware of the complexities of treating Lyme accompanied by other diseases.

I remember taking almost 38 pills with Isaacs’s Syndrome, Glaucoma, Membranous Glomerulonephritis. Another four strange-looking pills were added to my daily platter because of Lymes. I was shit scared as none I knew had ever experienced anything like this before. I became disoriented.

This went on for months together until I was introduced to some Ayurvedic treatments. The therapies headed me outside to breathe a little easier.

For my readers: Certain key points that helped me ease my symptoms:

  • Please educate yourself on the facts of Lyme.

  • Avoid sticking to people’s negative experiences. No two experiences are common in nature. Therefore, staying positive is the way to cure yourself.

  • Not keeping life-changing health-related documents in a synchronized format is a big risk. A personal medical record is key to managing one’s health information. It involves keeping detailed track of one’s medical history and health status.

  • Include low-intensity physical exercises as a daily practice if possible.

  • Diet is an important aspect. Please consult your doctor.

  • Epsom salt hot water baths helped my symptoms of pain and stiffness.

These points are important to keep Lyme in check. It is key to keep the immune system healthy.

I am positive that I am on my way to good health. However, with Lyme, I take nothing for granted. Today, I feel better about my symptoms and my heart goes out to all my fellow mates.

I will try to do my best for the rest of my life because that’s the best way to continue living a symptom-free life.


The views expressed above in this article are the author’s own and do not represent any kind of medical advice.

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