4 Ways Helped Me Create A Great Team of Doctors

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This blog is another opportunity to feel grateful. Thank you, dear Universe, you continue to bless me with recovery and health.

‘Medicine for sure is a team sport’, and that’s exactly how I perceived it while dealing with my rare disease.

This blog talks about how building a dream team of doctors is key to a successful health journey.

An effective team of professionals helped me improve support, satisfaction, and clinical outcomes when I needed it the most. It helped me with my rare disease. I dedicate this post to my Neurologist who passed away during the Covid times. The energy in the room instantly shifted to hope when he was around.

As a patient, I only wished to have a little more than just a doctor to deal with my multiple health issues. The entire process was worth the effort.

I was diagnosed with a rare disease called Isaacs’ Syndrome. Isaacs’ is a neuromuscular health condition that stems from muscle hyperactivity. In the process, I also discovered that I had Lyme disease. Lyme is a bacterial illness that gets transmitted through ticks. I was also accompanied by Glaucoma. Glaucoma is an eye-related disease that damages the optic nerves. And Membranous Glomerulonephritis is a progressive kidney disease.

Post getting diagnosed with a rare ailment, I was often seen running more to doctors than ever before. They prescribed endless clinical investigations, medicines, therapies, and treatments. Though my symptoms and medical conditions weren’t that easy to diagnose but I wasn’t even reaching any conclusion.

The process left my father in awe.

He had seen the cycle of medicine evolve over the past several decades. The cultural shift and technological advancements changed the face of medicine from the olden days.

He recollected his time when there was only one family doctor for all their health problems. He was called a Vaidya. It was a term used for a senior practitioner of medicine who was trained to take care of all the medical needs. He was not only aware of the individual’s health issues but also had familiarity with their family history. He prescribed medicines only if required otherwise, all the common infections such as colds, fevers, and coughs were accepted as a part of life. The easy symptoms were dealt with through herbal remedies. The basic tailoring was done by such practitioners based on their skill sets. They extensively used their intuition and experience with their key goal to be patient centric. Their focus was to get the patients back to health as soon as possible.

Today, the axis of looking at things has shifted and so have the ways to deal with them. The doctors seem too occupied with many patients waiting in the queue. There is specialization in every genre of medicine. Today, building an effective team of doctors is very important to remain healthy. It has become more cumbersome and complex. Now that’s his view.

The concept of building a Dream team of Doctors

Each individual with an ongoing complex medical history needs the expertise of a dream team of doctors. But it’s easier said than accomplished.

Today, the complex nuance of the disease requires a set of experts. They must come together to solve complex underlying problems. A strong support system increases the success rate and reduces stress. Surrounding yourself with the required expertise can have a positive impact on your health. They are a network of people who help with practical or emotional support. I think that was one reason why it was scary when my doctors addressed me as ‘rare’.

I and my family experienced countless challenges and many sleepless nights with many unanswered questions.

I was usually found sitting on my bed with packets of pills stacked up. Every day revolved around managing my chronic symptoms. Despite the support of my Neurologist, I struggled to see the way forward. Though my medicines helped me function to an extent, I was always running out of options in the long term. No option or solution kept me stable for long.

It felt like I lost myself. Any description of those spine-chilling memories would be an underestimate. No one could truly understand, no matter how I explained it.

The Importance of Building a Team of Doctors

Complex health conditions are relatively infrequent. They require healthcare professionals to join hands and work together for a cure.

When a cohesive unit works together, they are expected to improve health outcomes. They are equipped with more comprehensive and coordinated care. Their environment is designed to provide guidance and reduce health risks. Teamwork with different specialties can be a powerful force for change. Such teams aren’t just made they use each other’s knowledge and abilities to solve a complex case.

My Process of Building a Dream Team

Identifying the right team of doctors is very crucial. It is key to solving medical conditions, rare or chronic. Most people depend on references from close friends and family members.

The way the extrinsic stimulus unfolded evoked a shocking biological response for me. It didn’t give me much time for intensive research or refer to support groups that could be of help. I also refrained from picking names from the available list of doctors in my area.

It was a life-changing decision, my future being at stake. Making the correct decision was crucial for my future. Here are some steps that ensured and helped me:

  • I asked for references from the people I trust.
  • I chose based on my symptoms and not the doctor’s specialty.
  • I cross-checked their credentials and experience.
  • I read about them. In my experience, simply checking Google reviews isn’t enough. I went on some trusted platforms to analyze a patient’s experience.

Identifying the right doctor is essential. In the absence, the journey becomes exhaustive and pushes the recovery further.

The Benefits of a Dream Team of Doctors

The benefits of a dream team of doctors are many. This alone decision of choosing the right set of people can change the patient’s health status. Their capability of succeeding is higher as they reduce clinical errors. They always have newer ideas and innovations for dealing with a given situation. Their focus is on improving patient experience rather than any unethical practices.

During these 8 years, I met a list of forty-four specialists across different genres. However, zeroed down seven doctors across allopathy, homeopathy, ayurveda, and some alternate therapies. The following traits in this team of doctors comforted me and my family:

  • They worked collaboratively:

I was lucky that the team applied innovative ideas to solve the given set of my alien and complex symptoms. There were instances when their collective decision refrained me from treatments like Rituximab. Instead, they settled me on some oral medicines with alternative therapies. It infused confidence in me and my family whenever things came up from their collective desk.

  • They knew their subject well:

From time to time, I was presented with befuddling symptoms. I appreciate how the team showed enough curiosity to comfort me. They did their homework, researched the subject, and consulted seniors to find solutions.

  • Clear Communication:

It is the key to a patient-centric approach. They answered our doubts using clear language. Instead of a monologue, they gave me a listening ear before making a decision.

  • A sense of Empathy:

My mother always wondered how my senior Neurologist remembered even our last discussion. I think it was just his way of showing that he cared.

Their availability during emergencies made our relationship even stronger.

  • A Problem-solving attitude:

This was one thing I looked forward to meeting them the most. Together they were a set of solution-finders.

  • Offering Emotional Support:

Good words go a long way, especially when it comes from your trusted doctor. Comforting someone can happen in a lot many ways. As a family, we will never forget the reassurance given to us from time to time.

To Conclude

Complex health conditions need healthcare professionals to work together for a cure. When a cohesive unit works together, they are expected to improve health outcomes. A good team enhances patient satisfaction and health outcomes. It is designed to overcome complex situations.

I encourage my readers to consider the effort of building their dream team of doctors. A collaborative mindset of experts can help create effective health care. This approach has the potential to change doctor-patient interactions. It enhances the probability of solving complex health situations.


The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not represent any kind of medical advice.

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