Convalescence: Though Forgotten, Yet a Stronger Way to Recover

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This blog is another opportunity to feel grateful and thank you dear Universe: You continue to bless me with recovery and overall health.  

For God’s sake, could we live in a world that is free of unnecessary societal rules, or is it hardwired into our DNA? I am talking about those rules that are used for image-building and fake makeovers. Being part of such a society is to fulfill even expectations of what our neighbors look for.

I was drawn within certain boundaries of rules that seemingly dictated my life post getting diagnosed with a rare disease called Isaacs’ Syndrome (a neuromuscular condition stemming from muscle hyperactivity), my life underwent a drastic change, following that diagnosis, I also discovered I was suffering from Lyme disease (a bacterial illness transmitted by ticks), Glaucoma (which damages the optic nerve), and Membranous Glomerulonephritis (a progressive kidney disease).

I experienced the symptoms way before I had my diagnosis and believe the more knowledge and experience, I gathered about my state of affairs the better it became to advocate and help myself. Even today, together as a family we are learning about the integrities of the situation and it’s a blessing to have a handful of them who are able to comprehend the technicalities of my illness. It is by grace that I have my mother, the one person who understands the pain and supports me in all possible ways. She believes in the medical choices I make and actively takes the front seat as a confidant and caregiver. That’s not to say that there aren’t people who believe that it’s just a plain vanilla Muscular encounter that shouldn’t take this much time and energy.

And I think that’s why I am reminded to get back on my feet much ahead of time as people don’t take this long to recover from most illnesses. Really!!

It goes without saying that some health situations require more support than others and as I reflect on the years since my diagnosis, I wish to acknowledge that Isaacs’ Syndrome is not the kind of disease that can be managed alone instead needs utmost care and proper rest. This is where the concept of Convalescence (a process that encourages a gradual return to health post an illness or medical treatment through proper rest) proved vital to give my body the time to regenerate. After discussions, I was explained that typically, there are five stages to any disease: Development, Early, illness, Decline, and Convalescence however most of us are so occupied with the hustle and bustle of life that we instantly get back to our normal selves which is non-conducive.

Typically, I was able to leave the hospital post my treatments for Isaacs’ Syndrome with a post-hospitalization medical prescription and a list of home care instructions. Each hospital discharge summary would have some extra precautionary tips depending upon the treatment’s intensity and the stage or progression of the disease but with these three words in common, Get Proper Rest! Though I felt fatigued and weak post any of my treatments but spending more than a couple of days in the hospital bed was so monotonous, heavy on my pocket, and a constant reminder of the disease therefore I always requested an early discharge.

The importance of this process became of much relevance because of both my Acute and Chronic diseases and also when the compromised immune system needed proper rest to completely recover. Chronic disease refers to a medical condition that has a sudden breakout, lasts for a couple of days, and needs short-term care like fever, cold and cough, heart attack, a broken bone, etc. The core focus is to reduce and finally eliminate the symptoms. Whereas a Rare disease is not sudden in nature and takes time to manifest. Therefore, a person needs a backbone, a holistic healing approach that works both on my mind and the spirit to curb symptoms. Recovery is a lot to do with living in a support-oriented environment that makes one comfortable, relaxed, and happy, and the following home care therapies were useful:

Physical Therapies:  emphasized retraining my muscles for normal activities. Iyengar yoga, Magnetic Acupressure, Seitai & physiotherapy. Asanas and breathing techniques were helpful in increasing energy levels. Spending time in nature is like going back to our roots. Nature has instilled many plants with herbal medicinal properties that have unimaginable healing capabilities helpful in negating the ill- effects of modern living and health disorders. These therapies were relaxing, non-strenuous, and rebuild the inner strength needed to recover.

Mental Therapies: a lot of my healing credit goes to understanding the mind-body relationship and being constructively involved. I felt it was time to take up individual initiatives in terms of preparing to combat the disease, repairing the body subsequently, and doing it all slowly but with flair.

Miscellaneous support: staying in a known surrounding called home was one such reason to smile during my recovery days. At times, I would find a piece of my chosen dark chocolate along with my medicines. My family would indulge me in fun activities that took me a step further toward recovery, I could prioritize my interests by discussing topics of my choice, they encouraged me to write and pursue my hobby, watch cartoons for a laugh, allowed me to cheat a bit on my diet, asked my college buddies to visit, uttered words of affirmation to fill my day with positivity, and involved me in everyday things to make me feel normal and an equal part of the happenings in the family. They patiently listened to my boring talks, assured me they would always be there for me, and uplifted my mood by preparing my favourite foods on days I made extra efforts to walk. Their daily work was so cleverly divided up that I could hardly hint at the unseen efforts.

Although each one of us has to go through unspoken physical, emotional, and psychological stress during any health crisis in life however many pieces have to come together to heal. However, it’s so important to prioritize adequate rest as the end goal is to retrieve from the core and eventually live a normal life. Though I had no idea that my Convalescence would take years of recuperation but in my experience, it is easier to accept someone as ill or well but not have enough patience for convalescence.


The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not represent any kind of medical advice.

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