Sports Medicine is a part of my Alternate Healing Therapy.

Sports Medicine and My Rare Treatment

Read time 6 minutes

This blog is another opportunity to feel grateful. Thank you, dear Universe, you continue to bless me with recovery and health.

Each contemporary age group has much to contribute to every sphere of life, isn’t it?

Talking about sports, today’s generation is a lot into video games. Even the latest PlayStations promise more power and development than ever before. They have incredible abilities. The young ones show much passion for these games.

Indeed, school days were much fun when my energy towards sports was at its peak. Sweating it out for a sport, and winning as a team, just meant everything.

In this blog, I wish to talk about Sports Medicine as a part of my Alternate Healing Therapy.

Sports Medicine can Help Rare and Chronic Diseases

I was diagnosed with a rare disease called Isaacs’ Syndrome. Isaacs’ is a neuromuscular health condition that stems from muscle hyperactivity. My lift post-diagnosis underwent a drastic change. In the process, I also discovered that I had Lyme disease. Lyme is a bacterial illness that gets transmitted through ticks. I was also accompanied by Glaucoma. Glaucoma is an eye-related disease that damages the optic nerves. And Membranous Glomerulonephritis is a progressive kidney disease.

As you might surmise, these diagnoses altered the course of my life irrevocably. Suddenly there was a lot to deal with. I sat on my bed, packets of pills stacked up nearby, every day now revolved around managing my chronic symptoms. Despite the support of my Neurologist, I struggled to see a way forward. Though my medicines helped me function to an extent, I am worried and running out of options in the long term. No option or solution keeps me stable for long.

It felt like I lost myself.

With time as I settled with my situation, I was asked to see a Sports Medicine Specialist.

But why, of all, a sports medicine specialist?

My first thought associated the phrase ‘sports medicine’ with athletes who need help to recover from their injuries.

My Neurologist clarified my doubt. He mentioned that sports medicines can even treat people living an active life. It treats individuals with various activity levels. Sports Medicine in the healthcare space focuses on the musculoskeletal system.

By now I almost got my answer!!

Let’s find out more…

I was recommended this therapy as there were clear injuries related to soft tissues. My muscles and ligaments needed immense help.

In general, health issues are all about medicines, doctors, therapies, blah blah. But hardly did I know that I would take up my favorite sport as therapy and sprinkle some fun to regain health.

It was one of those days in 2018 when some friends came over to cheer me up on my birthday. They made the day quite motivational in a way. I got inspired by one of my favourite movies – Forrest Gump and wanted to play table tennis again.

Table tennis is easy to learn, difficult to master, and a fun sport.

Physical activities have significant health benefits. It is excellent for the body and our mind. It has a great role to play in preventing and managing diseases. It ensures healthy growth and well-being.

I decided to go ahead but with skepticism. I refrained considering my pre-existing comorbid conditions and limitations. Also, my symptom severity, hospitalizations, and risk of injury added fuel to the fire. I lacked self-efficacy, energy levels, and motivational factors.

We connected with specialists who have expertise in treating musculoskeletal issues. A close friend did my initial hand movement assessment. A specialist who qualified in fine motor skills accompanied him.

Interesting fact as per NASA studies on table tennis 

During research, I found that NASA studies mention table tennis to be a difficult sport. According to them practicing the game is tough because of its complexity in the use of muscles.

Finally, the day arrived!!

I was instructed to keep a close watch on my diet. Thus, before starting I had a bowl of superfood. A mix of essential proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.

I started slow, with forms of cardio and some stretching with mild warm-up exercises. These days healing methods are faster, yet it is essential to improve flexibility. I didn’t take any chance.

The initial sessions were such a struggle. My muscles seemed no memory of playing with friends and family. I had time limits and kept myself hydrated. I preferred listening to every whisper of my body before it shouts. The activity tracker band recorded my metrics. The game appeared completely new. Glaucoma kept challenging my vision. My eyes watered and it was hard to focus on the flight of the ball that bounced and changed frequent directions. I lacked stamina and felt tired.

Interesting facts about sports medicine

It includes that they focus on nonsurgical treatments. Many patients consider it to be their daily routine. As a subject, they made great contributions to medical advancements. One need not be an athlete to need sports medicine. They are a package and much more than just treating injuries.

The road to recovery wasn’t an easy climb back:

During one of the sessions, I hurt my back and suffered a severe spasm that knocked me down for three days. My prescription recommended RICE treatment for pain management. It suggests rest, the use of ice, compression, and elevation.

My doctors always insisted on a slow return to activities. He supported physical fitness. But many a time I felt not being quite ready. It was difficult to shed the preconceived notions that slowly built after diagnosis.

I realized picking up pieces even years after the first phase of it was over.

I had my understanding clear about our well-being’s dependence on overall functioning. However, it was quite evident from my actions that I needed to do much more. An optimistic outlook. some words of wisdom, a dose of motivation, and some relaxation therapies were the need of the hour.

Further Counseling

I took internal counseling to address my thoughts on my scars and their impact. It seems it is possible, but the results are slow. Many a time, the unimaginable becomes unforgettable and stays for long.

My key takeaways

Sports Medicine can be taken up as a part of my Alternate Healing Therapy. This therapy can even treat people living an active life. It treats individuals with various activity levels. Sports Medicine in the healthcare space focuses on the musculoskeletal system.

Some interesting facts about sports medicine include that they focus on nonsurgical treatments. Many patients consider it to be their daily routine. As a subject, they made great contributions to medical advancements. One need not be an athlete to need sports medicine. They are a package and much more than just treating injuries.

To conclude, while playing a match or battling a disease, you’re either in or out. Thus, one should never quit and try out things that give joy. This joy can burn away the pain.

We can use today’s technology to benefit ourselves. A sport can add to a disciplinary lifestyle. It allows for exploring new ideas.

With time things will settle. I remember how after a couple of sessions, every shot I hit took me closer to feeling a notch healthier.


The views expressed above in this article are the author’s own and do not represent any kind of medical advice.

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