5 Ways Natural Hot Springs Are Therapeutic

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This blog is another opportunity to feel grateful. Thank you, Universe, for continuing to bless me with recovery and health. 

During those busy days of my life, there was nothing more therapeutic, and rejuvenating than a spa. But it was unimaginable that I would use a mineral-rich spring phenomenon that would transcend as a part of my healing plan.

Natural Water Springs are Healing

For centuries, natural healing springs have been celebrated for their medicinal properties. These natural springs offer the mystique of serene surroundings and have also been a part of therapies.

Our planet has many hidden gems, nestled amidst diverse cultures. Hot Springs are natural healing waters that captivated imaginations for ages.

I have always been excited to share my experience on this subject through a blog post with my readers. It’s like opening a coffer of memories, inviting readers to explore a different world.

Little about Natural Healing Springs

Springs have been used for many human needs. However, a natural healing spring is a source where groundwater surfaces on Earth. They are rich in minerals with healing properties and used for thermal therapies.

Healing springs are known as thermal springs if the water is warm and has mineral properties. They are known as mineral springs if the water contains mineral-rich properties. The minerals in the water are considered a source to aid various health conditions. The conditions specifically related to mobility, neuro, and digestion.

How A Natural Spring helps to heal

Mineral Rich

Many minerals come together to give a healthy experience.

1) Sulfur:

it is an essential element that supports life. It is found as a natural substance that has antibacterial properties. In many countries like Europe, Sulfur hot springs are used to treat a variety of conditions. The health conditions include fungal infections, arthritis, dermatitis, and gynecological issues.

2) Iron:

It is found in healing springs and has its importance in the production of hemoglobin.

3) Calcium

It is important in solving problems related to nerves, muscles, and blood vessels. It also impacts hormone development and bones.

4) Boron:

It is a mineral that is known to help the strengthening of bones and increase brain activity.

5) Sodium:

It is known to ease body pain and boost our lymphatic system.

6) Selenium:

It is known to be a power-packed antioxidant.

7) Magnesium:

It has its importance in the functionality of nerves and muscles.

8) Potassium:

It helps cardiovascular function and control blood pressure.

There are several health benefits that healing springs offer. It includes:

1) An improved blood circulation

2) Improves the endocrine system

3) Releases toxins through sweat

4) Allows the body to absorb minerals

5) Relaxed muscles

6) Reduces stress levels

7) Improves the overall Nervous System

8) Helps skin-related issues

9) Helps digestive issues

My Experience

Experiencing Natural Spring Waters

At no other time in the evolution of human history have we been more disconnected from the natural world, and I wasn’t any different. Natural products were only a temporary and a matter of a feel-good factor. I started to appreciate and understand their importance after my diagnosis.

In 2016 I was diagnosed with a rare disease called Isaacs’ Syndrome. Isaacs’ is a neuromuscular health condition that stems from muscle hyperactivity. In the process, I also discovered that I had Lyme disease. Lyme is a bacterial illness that gets transmitted through ticks. Glaucoma also accompanied me. Glaucoma is an eye-related disease that damages the optic nerves. And Membranous Glomerulonephritis is a progressive kidney disease. I faced tremendous issues with my gut, stomach acid, and digestive enzymes. I also developed Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Diabetes, and Blood Pressure.

My prescription was a huge list with a daily of 42 pills. During my journey, I developed Blood Pressure and Diabetes. Also, I had acute problems with my Gut, stomach acid, and digestive enzymes.

All medicines have effects — good and bad. The side effects of my rare prescription were less well known and therefore I noticed severe unwanted effects. Western medicines somewhat had a symptomatic approach. I had moments of inspiration and consulted my doctor to turn to alternative or holistic therapies that addressed the root cause.

Over time I concluded that ‘no treatment should be indefinite’.

Though doctors did their bit, I had increasing attention across genres that led to my connection with nature. In the process, I was allured by a friend’s rejuvenating experience with a natural hot water spring. He visited Vashist, Kalath, and Manikaran in Kullu Valley in Himachal Pradesh.

His experience became the source of my information and further research. I was quite excited to know about their association with amazing health properties. He passed crucial information as he wanted me to explore, read, and discover.

I researched and learned that these mineral-rich hot bubbles enveloped a healthy experience. These warm waters are believed to have properties that could heal ailments and remove impurities. 

I had the opportunity to speak with some known people who shared certain life stories. Mineral-rich springs helped many to ease joint pain and relieve tired muscles.

I got the necessary approvals from my doctors and reached Himachal. I chose a location that involved a healing ambiance, proper accessibility, and positive vibes.

The moment I arrived; the spiritual hum was palpable.

Finally, I could smell the air of minerals. I spend hours in the healing spring, letting it work its magic. The ambiance of the location greatly influenced the healing symbolizing gentleness and calmness. The experience was visually stunning and imbued with tranquility and energy. I felt the water quench my thirst for wellness and infuse energy into my soul. It’s about creating a harmonious space where healing can naturally unfold. Over days of soaking, I felt a clear difference in my physical and spiritual rejuvenation. It wasn’t only about physical healing but joy and contentment.

My doctors confirmed that the process helped cleanse negative energies and drew toxins. It also stimulated my natural healing mechanism.


Are you getting enough of Nature?

Today a dip in a natural hot water spring might be considered more of a hippie pastime. However, it has medicinal powers that aren’t only mythological but have been scientifically proven. Balneology is the study that promotes knowing about the medicinal properties of springs and the therapeutic effects of bathing in them.

The happy hormones are secreted while being surrounded by birds, plants, and fresh air. The atmosphere is designed to have amazing effects on the mind & body and make us much happier.

Natural healing springs have been considered for centuries across various cultures for their health properties. These mineral-rich waters are believed to offer many health benefits.

Nature has its ways to heal and rejuvenate us. Whether it’s a casual walk through a forest, listening to the waves at the beach, or simply being out in the sun. The moments connect us to something strong.


The views expressed above in this article are the author’s own and do not represent any kind of medical advice.


Healing springs – definition, types, distribution, etc. (spadreams.com)

What is a Natural Spring – MyWaterEarth&Sky

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