My Insurance Policies helped me fight my rare and chronic diseases.

Health Insurance: My Savior in Fighting Rare Disease

Read time 6 minutes

This blog is another opportunity to feel grateful. Thank you, Universe, for continuing to bless me with recovery and health.

Realizing that almost 85% of your rare medical expenses were covered is a relief. 

I have a rare and a set of chronic diseases. I had little or no idea that it wouldn’t take much of my life to take a sharp turn for the worse.

Is living with them a threat to financial freedom?

If yes, then what’s the way out…

My Insurance Policies helped me fight my rare and chronic diseases.

In this blog post, let’s talk about how my Insurance Coverage played an important role and helped me live better with my set of ailments.

Insurance plays a vital role in managing rare and chronic diseases. Typically, some diseases are often characterized by high complexities and exorbitant expenses. Rare diseases can be life-threatening and need long-term care. They are associated with unexpected financial burdens.

Even before the diagnosis, medical expenses are substantial. Including initial consultation, specialist visits, diagnostic tests, and consuming prescribed medicines. Also, various travels and loss of income.

In such cases having an Insurance Cover could be a beacon of hope for the patient and the family.

It is important to note that insurance coverage varies based on many factors. People must understand their policies well before signing up.

My Diagnosis

Where do I start from? I experienced my identity change from being a healthy person to a patient.

Typically, the life of a rare disease patient starts way before the actual diagnosis, and I was no different. The pre-and post-diagnosis journey was incredibly challenging.

To begin with, I experienced a set of alien symptoms without knowing the underlying cause. I popped open Google to search for the symptoms and the underlying cause, but the results were scary. Also, my health conditions hardly gave me time to think as it deteriorated in a jiffy. Hence, I was left with no options except to seek professional help.

My journey toward diagnosis was fraught with challenges:

  1. Finding a specialist who knew about my specific rare symptoms was quite a challenge. Therefore, initially, I consulted many specialists.
  2. Limited awareness and knowledge delayed immediate medical attention. Finding the most suitable healthcare service was quite challenging. Also, I was required to go through various tests before concluding.
  3. Many of my health conditions shared common symptoms. Distinguishing between them was quite taxing. It required thorough investigations with many specialized tests.
  4. It was a huge economic setback and toll when I had to stop working.
  5. The entire episode was emotionally exhausting.

The process was time-consuming, however over time…

I was diagnosed with a rare disease called Isaacs’ Syndrome. Isaacs’ is a neuromuscular health condition that stems from muscle hyperactivity. In the process, I also discovered that I had Lyme disease. Lyme is a bacterial illness that gets transmitted through ticks. I was also accompanied by Glaucoma. Glaucoma is an eye-related disease that damages the optic nerves. And Membranous Glomerulonephritis is a progressive kidney disease. I faced tremendous issues with my gut, stomach acid, and digestive enzymes. I also developed Diabetes and Blood Pressure.

Finally receiving a diagnosis was like getting a rebirth. But the very second moment the reality set in.

I discovered that the illness is only manageable and has no cure. It was invisible, rare, and had done severe damage to the other organs of my body.

I was prescribed a huge list with a daily of 42 allopathic pills. Simultaneously I preferred ayurvedic and homeopathic interventions.

In my experience, a rare disease is not the kind that can be managed without much financial support.

Receiving a rare disease diagnosis evokes a wide range of emotions. It is overwhelming not only due to various health challenges but also because of the financial burden.

  1. My first thought was the associated costs as it is much higher than those for common mass-market diseases.
  2. At once I felt lost thinking about the unique challenges. Lack of treatment options, access to diagnostic tools and research.

Above all, my job loss, medical bills, future probability of financial problems, dependency, and overall economic burden.

Getting my hands on my Insurance Cover meant the world!!

My Insurance Policies helped me fight my rare and chronic diseases.

I had no idea that my past preparedness to have a significant insurance cover would prove such a wise investment idea.

After a couple of sleepless nights, it was a stress buster to discover my insurance policy. It acted as the cornerstone of my financial freedom. It fueled my confidence about getting the medical support, the disease deserves.

Instantly, it seemed to be free from financial constraints. It acted as an increased opportunity to access better healthcare and long-term stability. I felt a sense of quality care, making me more compliant with treatment plans, leading to positive health outcomes.

The Importance of Insurance

My Insurance Policies helped me fight my rare and chronic diseases.

Having an insurance cover as a patient with a rare disease is very important for several reasons:

  1. Rare diseases often need specialized treatments that are long-term. Insurance can improve access to necessary medicines, treatments, tests, and required other services.
  2. Rare disease management involves various aspects. Insurance can cover multiple genres and approaches to treatment.
  3. Knowing the financial aspect of disease management is covered, reduces a significant psychological burden on the patient and the family.

Having Insurance coverage is a crucial aspect of financial planning:

Insurance covers unexpected events such as medical emergencies, accidents, etc.

It provides a safety net against financial losses that happen in unforeseen circumstances. The protection can cover various genres in the fields of property, health, life, etc.

The knowledge of owning an insurance cover brings peace of mind. It generates a sense of security. Therefore, insurance is more than just a financial product.

How I Selected the Right Insurance Plan: My Recommendations

 My Insurance Policies helped me fight my rare and chronic diseases.

Having insurance coverage for patients with rare diseases is of paramount importance. There are several reasons from financial safety to getting access to proper care. It supports quality treatment, and disease management and ensures peace of mind.

Though selecting the right insurance plan can be a complex task but my Investment Banking skills helped me:

  1. I have two policies: one individual and the other a family floater.
  2. Before considering a health plan, I did assess my basic needs. I evaluated my age and responsibilities. Also, my medical history, current health condition, and potential future medical expenses.
  3. I did a comparison analysis with my premiums and associated information. Nowadays many applications are extremely supportive.
  4. I checked my insurance policy for major hospital and doctor networks.
  5. Going through the integrities and fine prints of the policy is important.
  6. I confirmed if my plan covered alternative treatments and offered additional benefits like health check-ups.

It was wise to consult an insurance broker to get an unbiased outlook based on my specific situation. Though the above steps sound cumbersome, however, it’s a no-brainer and not time-consuming. In fact, by evaluating myself, I got to know myself and my situation a little better.

Health insurance played a very crucial role in safeguarding my well-being. I believe the readers should also consider as it is a great toll on financial safety and peace of mind.


Rare diseases can be extremely uncertain. These diseases are difficult to diagnose and may need prolonged treatments.

Insurance plays an important role in managing rare diseases. It includes financial protection, essential care, and supportive services. Getting health insurance for rare illnesses is a great option as the treatments are quite costly. One need not worry too much about the expense and can receive quality medical service.

Investing in health insurance is for your well-being and financial safety. It’s a proactive step towards a stress-free and healthier future. It is wise to do your comparison analysis and find a health plan that suits your requirements and budget.


The views expressed above in this article are the author’s own and do not represent any kind of medical advice.

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