Fighting With Pain: The Samurai Way

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This blog is another opportunity to feel grateful. Thank you, dear Universe, you continue to bless me with recovery and health.

Pain is the scariest word in our vocabulary. Whether related to body or mind, whether it’s acute, neuropathic, chronic, or of any other nature.

The purpose of this blog is to share my experiences of fighting pain. I was diagnosed with rare and chronic diseases.

The pain was such an uncomfortable sensation. I couldn’t help but instead, drive my attention to that specific area of the body. It made me extremely restless, weak, fearful, and anxious.

“Have you ever experienced a single evening walk that completely transformed your life?”

I experienced a life-changing walk on a beach after a hectic day’s work that left a lasting impact. The evening was like a pleasing animation with a climate for healthfulness. I remember those smiling faces. The things that came close to feeling pleasant while strolling on the sand. It was such a delightful activity that cleared my mind and made my thoughts lighter. But I never imagined that my life was about to change in no time!

I was caught with leg cramps and aggravating pain in the lumbar region. A severe back spasm knocked me down and made me crawl back home. The experience was shocking enough as the pain was very intense.

For days together I was bedridden with painkillers. I had stabbing pain in my calves and felt very weak with no energy and got back to sleep more often. I had less food appetite, drastic loss in body weight, and excess inflammation in the body. It followed, making me easy prey to infections.

Easy, tough, good, or bad times, all come in an instant. Everything around me was happening automatically without any of my control.

I was diagnosed with a rare disease called Isaacs’ Syndrome. Isaacs’ is a neuromuscular health condition that stems from muscle hyperactivity. My lift post-diagnosis underwent a drastic change. In the process, I also discovered that I had Lyme disease. Lyme is a bacterial illness that gets transmitted through ticks. I was also accompanied by Glaucoma. Glaucoma is an eye-related disease that damages the optic nerves. And Membranous Glomerulonephritis is a progressive kidney disease.

The way the extrinsic stimulus unfolded evoked a shocking biological response for me. It made me vulnerable to creating further complications to my neurological condition. I felt physically, morally, and emotionally fatigued. The episode caused muscle tension which added to my stabbing pain.

I was confined to bed with props like pillows and heating pads to support my legs and back. I was prescribed medicines including painkillers, immunosuppressants, steroids, and sleeping pills. They were my immediate source of relief.

Dealing with stabbing pain, constant twitches, and other alien symptoms throughout the body isn’t easy. Thus, I took medical advice and understood the netti-gritty of the disease to combat pain.

Thibaut once rightly pointed out that ‘’If experience is the mother of wisdom, pain is the father:

I was not given a choice instead to pop 42 pills daily. I did my research and switched to alternative healing therapies that proved helpful. I also reached out to support groups and had several discussions with doctors. I connected with concerned patients and their success stories.

As humans, we try to avoid the spectrum of suffering and pain and wish to live a comfortable life. There is a wide range of disparity in our pain tolerance capabilities. I tried many multimodal approaches however some were very helpful. They treated my core rather than being symptomatic.

Chiropractic treatment:

During my journey, I had exposure to many treatments, medicines, and therapies. Chiropractic treatment was among the few that will always secure a special place.

Chiropractic is a science based on anatomy and neurology. The process conducted by trained specialists tries to fix holistic health. It uses the help of manual therapies. The key was spinal manipulation.

It was the only therapy where the practitioner had no intervention in my life whatsoever. It was unusual as almost all the other therapies had their dos and don’ts. I mean after some basic posture corrections, how I moved, sat, walked, etc. was none of his business.

Chiropractic care focused on managing my pain and other symptoms. My list of symptoms showed immense improvement. To be specific, the sharp pain, muscle tightness, and muscle tension got better. The shoulders and spine which obstructed my daily routine improved.


It was used as a complementary therapy for pain relief.

Chinese art believes that our body has a life-giving force called ‘qi’ (pronounced ‘Chee’). My qi was deficient with blockages. I therefore experienced an obstruction in good mental and physical health.

The therapist used sterile, hair-thin needles for the treatment. It stimulated the body’s natural healing abilities and got to the root of the issue. The technique helped me with a balanced qi which resulted in easing my pain.

Though the therapy didn’t show immediate results however it proved useful in the long run.

Balancing Electrolytes:

An electrolyte imbalance could cause a variety of problems and symptoms. Digestive issues, muscle cramps, fatigue, dizziness, muscle weakness, pain etc.

The doctors agreed that among others, an imbalance in my electrolyte levels also caused pain.

A proper balance supported my nervous system and helped manage pain.

The Art of Seitai:

I was lucky to have access to this alternative healing therapy from Japan.

It is a method that activates the natural healing power of the body. It determines the source of a problem and restores the proper skeletal frame. It realigns body parts which include the backbone, pelvis, etc.

It was quite instantly that I noticed the results. The ancient therapy relaxed my body, improved blood flow, and reduced my body pain.

Adequate Rest:

It’s said that no Recovery Method could replace or cover up for poor diet and lack of rest.

Rest can look different for every individual. It could be active or passive. It could include recreational activities. From being out for a walk-in open field or reading a favourite piece. The aim is to increase mental and physical wellness.

I had adequate rest to help my body function at its optimal. Proper rest and sleep enhanced my tolerance to pain.

Laughter has pain-healing qualities:

Everyone’s life needs some timely doses of humour and laughter.

My attempts to recover from Isaacs’ Syndrome have also thrown up some lighter moments. My readers may see it as somewhat self-deprecating humour.

For instance, my diagnostic reports mentioned neuromyotonia (the other name for Isaacs’). It left me wondering if it had a simpler name and did not sound like a weapon of some kind. Later, a friend joked that running a Google search for my symptoms caused their computer to hang.

It is evident that life is hard at times yet finding our smiles along the way is important. I watched light movies, phoned a friend, and read books to feel cheerful.

Used Hot water bottles:

It numbed the affected area by reducing inflammation. Though not a permanent cure however it gave instant pain relief.

Used Foam Rollers:

I was introduced to a lightweight, cylindrical tube-like structure. My Yoga mentor asked me to roll it through my pain. It worked on the affected muscle tightness and knots to reduce the sensation of muscle pain.

It justified its place in my self-care routine. It instantly eased the pain in the glute, tailbone, and hamstring region.

Iyengar Yoga:

It is a form of hatha yoga.

The best part about it is the use of props. It helped me perform poses with precise physical alignment.

Initially, it wasn’t easy. As I progressed with my practice, the effectiveness of the asanas showed very positive results. It eased pain and other disease-related symptoms.

Craniosacral therapy:

It is a gentle yet powerful therapy. A technique that benefited minor aches and pains in the severity of my health condition.

It supported my body’s innate ability and helped some of my symptoms including pain. There is no scale to measure its success. However, it worked on various levels impacting my nervous, and immune systems.

My practitioner used a gentle touch to release stress, injury, and deep-seated trauma. I felt my muscles calming down which resulted in managing my pain better.

To sum up:

The landscape of managing pain will continue with discoveries in the years to come. However, as a patient, I took these initiatives to help my body repair and distance myself from pain.

My bottom line?

We can try living a painless life with a positive mindset.


The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not represent any kind of medical advice.

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