The Key Role of Superfoods in Health

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This blog is another opportunity to feel grateful and thank you dear Universe: You continue to bless me with recovery and overall health.  

In my experience, although years have passed since my diagnosis, the burden of having a rare disease is as yet hardly understood.

This is my 25th blog on Ordinarily Rare as a patient of Isaacs’ Syndrome (a neuromuscular disease), and subsequently with chronic conditions like Lyme disease, Glaucoma, and Membranous Glomerulonephritis. I write for a couple of reasons: as a way to address the unaddressed and spread awareness about rare and chronic health conditions by compiling and sharing my experiences for the benefit of others and becoming solution oriented.

In my experience, it becomes important for a patient to address the root cause and not look at things on a superficial level when chronic symptoms like cramps, fasciculations, fatigue, body pain, weakness, and intense nerve pain take over and become larger than life. I was quite optimistic that optimizing my nutrition along with other alternative treatments, therapies, the relevant information, and correcting my lifestyle choices could improve my holistic well-being.

I tried my hands on some Nerve Regeneration Superfoods as a part of my daily diet menu. The term Superfood refers to foods that are nutritionally dense, packed with antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins, and offer maximum benefits. They are known to solve many health problems related to the respiratory, immune system, cancer, nervous system, heart, etc. To deal with Neurological disorders like Isaacs’ Syndrome, I was recommended food that are rich in Antioxidants (they are weapons that help our body fight against diseases, free radicals, and infections. They are elements such as Vitamins E, C & A that protect our healthy cells and prevent damage to the nerves), Omega 3 (is used for the optimal functioning of our brain and nervous system. It helps repair the myelin sheath that wraps the nerves, lowers bad cholesterol, lowers blood pressure, and prevents blood clots), Vitamin B12 (it is quite important for our nervous system by forming red blood cells, supporting nerve functions, may prevent the loss of neurons, acting as an energy enhancer, may reduce macular degeneration. It instantly showed results in lowering my cramps), Vitamin B1 (even called thiamine is important for our muscular and nervous systems. It converts carbohydrates to energy), and Magnesium (it is an important micromineral that helps the nervous system to relax): –


it contains high levels of healthy fats and is full of minerals. They are loaded with antioxidants and Vitamin E which are good for the functioning of our nervous system. I soaked Walnuts and Almonds in the night and ate the next morning, empty stomach.


They are an excellent source of zinc, copper, iron, magnesium, etc. They are full of antioxidants that are required for the proper functioning of our nervous system and are extremely versatile to be incorporated into a variety of different recipes. I added Flaxseeds, Chia seeds, Pumpkin seeds, Sunflower seeds, etc as a part of my diet.


They have both antioxidant effects and anti-inflammatory. Good to reduce inflammation and may help improve blood sugar response. Their quality to be high in fiber helped improved my gut health and digestive tracks. I included blackberries, blueberries, and goji berries in my breakfast.


An herb that has been used to treat nervous system disorders. It lowers the risk of neurodegenerative diseases and reduces inflammation. I used Rosemary leaves in the form of tea and it did help with nerve pain.


It’s a powerful anti-inflammatory agent and is known to positively affect the neurotransmitter. It is commonly used as an ingredient in remedies for colds, coughs, and fevers and used to strengthen the immune system. I used it as a part while cooking food and tea.

Coconut Water

It was the simplest and most refreshing way to keep myself hydrated. Coconut water is a great source of nutrients, maintains electrolyte balance, boosts immunity, and aids muscle recovery. It facilitated muscle cramps and instantly energized me.


It has many medicinal properties and has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries. It contains curcumin which is beneficial to neurological disorders. It has anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidants and is extremely rich in Manganese, Potassium, Vit C & Iron.

In the process, it was nice to research and understand the importance of what my specific health condition demanded and how it could be fulfilled naturally. The above-mentioned nutrients may not instantly have an instant wow effect but are capable of optimizing nerve health. Nerve damage needs a lot of time and patience to heal as a long process of treatment is necessary to cure it properly therefore it is wise to have a diet as per the body’s requirements along with a proper plan on other alternative healing therapies.

For me, having access to Superfoods did not mean avoiding everything else or eating unlimited quantities instead it was a good entry into practicing healthy eating habits.


The views expressed above in this article are the author’s own and do not represent any kind of medical advice.

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